NlpTools API


class Hierarchical extends Clusterer

This class implements hierarchical agglomerative clustering.

It receives a MergeStrategy as a parameter and a Distance metric.


array cluster(TrainingSet $documents, FeatureFactoryInterface $ff)

Group the documents together

__construct(MergeStrategyInterface $ms, DistanceInterface $d)

static array dendrogramToClusters(array $tree, integer $NC)

Flatten a dendrogram to an almost specific number of clusters (the closest power of 2 larger than $NC)


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public array cluster(TrainingSet $documents, FeatureFactoryInterface $ff)

Group the documents together


TrainingSet $documents The documents to be clustered
FeatureFactoryInterface $ff A feature factory to transform the documents given

Return Value

array An array containing one element which is the resulting dendrogram

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public __construct(MergeStrategyInterface $ms, DistanceInterface $d)

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static public array dendrogramToClusters(array $tree, integer $NC)

Flatten a dendrogram to an almost specific number of clusters (the closest power of 2 larger than $NC)


array $tree The dendrogram to be flattened
integer $NC The number of clusters to cut to

Return Value

array The flat clusters