NlpTools API


class FunctionFeatures implements FeatureFactoryInterface

An implementation of FeatureFactoryInterface that takes any number of callables (function names, closures, array($object,'func_name'), etc.) and calls them consecutively using the return value as a feature's unique string.

The class can model both feature frequency and presence


__construct(array $f = array())


Set the feature factory to model frequency instead of presence


Set the feature factory to model presence instead of frequency

add(callable $feature)

Add a function as a feature

array getFeatureArray(string $class, DocumentInterface $d)

Compute the features that "fire" for a given class,document pair.


at line 24
public __construct(array $f = array())


array $f An array of feature functions

at line 32
public modelFrequency()

Set the feature factory to model frequency instead of presence

at line 39
public modelPresence()

Set the feature factory to model presence instead of frequency

at line 48
public add(callable $feature)

Add a function as a feature


callable $feature

at line 65
public array getFeatureArray(string $class, DocumentInterface $d)

Compute the features that "fire" for a given class,document pair.

Call each function one by one. Eliminate each return value that
evaluates to false. If the return value is a string add it to
the feature set. If the return value is an array iterate over it
and add each value to the feature set.


string $class The class for which we are calculating features
DocumentInterface $d The document for which we are calculating features

Return Value
