NlpTools API


class Lda

Topic discovery with latent dirchlet allocation using gibbs sampling.

The implementation is based on the paper by Griffiths and Steyvers
that can be found

It is also heavily influenced (especially on the implementation and
debugging of the online gibbs sampler) by the python implementation
by Mathieu Blondel at


__construct(FeatureFactoryInterface $ff, integer $ntopics, float $a = 1, float $b = 1)

generateDocs(TrainingSet $tset)

Generate an array suitable for use with Lda::initialize and Lda::gibbsSample from a training set.

initialize(array $docs)

Count initially the co-occurences of documents,topics and topics,words and cache them to run Gibbs sampling faster

train(TrainingSet $tset, $it $it)

Run the gibbs sampler $it times.

gibbsSample(array $docs)

Generate one gibbs sample.

array getWordsPerTopicsProbabilities($limit_words $limit_words = -1)

Get the probability of a word given a topic (phi according to Griffiths and Steyvers)

getPhi($limit_words = -1)

Shortcut to getWordsPerTopicsProbabilities

array getDocumentsPerTopicsProbabilities($limit_docs $limit_docs = -1)

Get the probability of a document given a topic (theta according to Griffiths and Steyvers)

getTheta($limit_docs = -1)

Shortcut to getDocumentsPerTopicsProbabilities


Log likelihood of the model having generated the data as implemented by M.


at line 45
public __construct(FeatureFactoryInterface $ff, integer $ntopics, float $a = 1, float $b = 1)


FeatureFactoryInterface $ff The feature factory will be applied to each document and the resulting feature array will be considered as a document for LDA
integer $ntopics The number of topics assumed by the model
float $a The dirichlet prior assumed for the per document topic distribution
float $b The dirichlet prior assumed for the per word topic distribution

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public generateDocs(TrainingSet $tset)

Generate an array suitable for use with Lda::initialize and Lda::gibbsSample from a training set.


TrainingSet $tset

at line 75
public initialize(array $docs)

Count initially the co-occurences of documents,topics and topics,words and cache them to run Gibbs sampling faster


array $docs The docs that we will use to generate the sample

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public train(TrainingSet $tset, $it $it)

Run the gibbs sampler $it times.


TrainingSet $tset The docs to run lda on
$it $it The number of iterations to run

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public gibbsSample(array $docs)

Generate one gibbs sample.

The docs must have been passed to initialize previous to calling
this function.


array $docs The docs that we will use to generate the sample

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public array getWordsPerTopicsProbabilities($limit_words $limit_words = -1)

Get the probability of a word given a topic (phi according to Griffiths and Steyvers)


$limit_words $limit_words Limit the results to the top n words

Return Value

array A two dimensional array that contains the probabilities for each topic

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public getPhi($limit_words = -1)

Shortcut to getWordsPerTopicsProbabilities



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public array getDocumentsPerTopicsProbabilities($limit_docs $limit_docs = -1)

Get the probability of a document given a topic (theta according to Griffiths and Steyvers)


$limit_docs $limit_docs Limit the results to the top n docs

Return Value

array A two dimensional array that contains the probabilities for each document

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public getTheta($limit_docs = -1)

Shortcut to getDocumentsPerTopicsProbabilities



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public getLogLikelihood()

Log likelihood of the model having generated the data as implemented by M.
